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  • Picking the next thing to learn is difficult — I guess picking the first thing to ‘get into’...

Picking the next thing to learn is difficult — I guess picking the first thing to ‘get into’...

For someone who is new to the industry I’d say read The Phoenix Project and Devops Handbook and watch the slightly sweary video Chef-style...

Picking the next thing to learn is difficult.

I guess picking the first thing to ‘get into’ devops is especially difficult. For someone who is new to the industry I’d say read The Phoenix Project and Devops Handbook and watch the slightly sweary video Chef-style Devops Kung fu by Adam Jacob. Then you’ll have a better idea what you’re doing and why.

If you learn git well you will know it better than most of us.

It might be that you’re more of an SRE so read the free google books about that if you haven’t already. I’d try and build on anything you already know and then pick one thing that really interests you.

My current plan is to pick a wicket and my new found love of cricket tells me that there are 3 wickets so I am focusing on AWS, Terraform and Golang — concentration and avoiding procrastination is difficult in DevOps as there’s so much to stay across. At some point though I’d suggest going deep on your favourite subjects.


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